H.E.A.R. Method
According to Robby Gallaty from his book “Growing Up”, “The H.E.A.R. Method promotes reading the Bible with a life-transforming purpose. No longer will your focus be on checking off boxes on your daily reading schedule; your purpose will instead be to read in order to understand and respond to God’s Word.”
Choose a passage of Scripture. Read the verses in your Bible. Highlight important words, phrases, and verses that stand out or resonate with you.
Reflect on what you’ve read and explain what the text means. Focus on the context of the Scriptures. Why was this passage written? What is the author trying to say to the original audience.
Consider how you can apply this passage of Scripture to your own life. Is there a command to obey? Is there a sin to confess? Is there a promise you can claim? Write one way to apply this Scripture to your life.
Respond to God about what you’ve read in the Scriptures. In prayer, be specific about what He spoke to you. Ask Him to change your heart and help you to live according to His Word.
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The Bible Project
From page one to the final word, we believe the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus. Many people have misunderstood the Bible as a collection of inspirational quotes or a divine instruction manual dropped from heaven. Most of us gravitate toward sections we enjoy while avoiding parts that are confusing or even disturbing.
Our Bible resources help people experience the Bible in a way that is approachable, engaging, and transformative. We do this by showcasing the literary art of the Scriptures and tracing the themes found in them from beginning to end.

Streetlights Bible
Streetlights is a ministry of creative communicators called to intentionally engage global urban culture with the gospel of Jesus Christ by producing, translating, teaching and proclaiming God’s Word so all can understand. Our identity and call are founded on the belief that God’s Word is transformational and needs to be accessible and understandable to all people. We sense the increasing urgency and the divine opportunity to engage the unengaged and under-resourced with Gospel communication. Vast pockets of society globally do not know the Light of God found in Jesus and His Word.